If our child walks up and demands this or that, in a tone of entitlement, we are much less likely to give them what they have so ungraciously asked for. If our kids only talk to us when they want something, or when they get into trouble, we are far less likely to give them what they think they want or lessen their punishment. But if we are in relationship with our kids, if they tell us about their day, the friends they have, how they did on their math test, what they are struggling with in life, what their passions are, who they need help learning to love, we are far more likely to give them what they want. When constant conversation is in place, our kids don’t have to demand their wants, nor subvert our authority when they are in trouble. No, when there is relationship then their wants are known and often given freely. When there is a bond of love, the discipline for misbehavior is consistent, loving, and given with mercy as well as justice.
When we know our kids, and they share their lives with us, then there is respect on both sides not a demanding, spoiled brat, speaking to a parent. When our kids have gratitude for what we are able to give them, then it is much more enjoyable to give them more. So too our Father loves us and wants to pour out abundant blessings in our lives, but He doesn’t want those blessings to be demanded. He wants to freely give to us what is best for us. But if all we do is feel entitled, then we won’t pray to know our Father but instead to get what we want from Him.
If you never talk to those you love, can you really love them? If you never listen to your friends, can you really know them? So too, if you never talk to or listen to your Father, you will never be able to really love Him, you will never be able to truly know Him.
All the things we think we need are worthless without the surpassing knowledge of knowing Jesus.
We often pray for God to remove us from our trials, but in my life, the trial actually produces the fruit. For some reason, we believe that we should have a life free from pain, and if we name our demand and claim it from God, He has to grant our request. I am not sure when the teaching on what it means to be a Christian became so misguided, however. Christ suffered. He asked three times for the Father to take away the need for the cross, but in the end, Jesus surrendered Himself to His Father’s will. We are to follow Christ’s example. We are to identify with Him in our sufferings. It is through His suffering that we know Him most deeply. Apart from Him, apart from what He suffered for us on the cross, we can do nothing. If God does not remove our suffering, it is not because He does not love us, but because His greater purpose needs to be fulfilled in our lives.
The way we can know His love, His will, His heart for us is through a constant attitude of prayer. Not demanding our way, not rubbing the mystical lamp of prayer, but by talking to our God, and sharing our heart with Him. He might not decide to give us a new car, nor take away our pain when we want Him to, but He will walk with us through it all.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Philippians 4:6-7
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