Have you ever really sat and thought about how much our Heavenly Father loves you? Have you experienced His love and care for you like that prodigal who came home to the warm embrace of his father? What does that kind of love look like?
Last summer, Darren Norman presented a message that was challenging and moving all at the same time. It was about being an overcomer, and truly believing Phil. 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengths me. He concluded his message by showing a video of two men who have overcome great physical odds. These men are known as Team Hoyt, and they participated in triathlons.
If you know anything about triathlons, you can understand why Darren ended his message about being able to do all things with a video of an actual triathlon. And for those of you, who have only heard of this event, well let me give you the details of what those who actually compete accomplish. An Iron Man triathlon consists of a swim of 2.4 miles, followed immediately by a 112 miles bike, and concluding with a 26.2 mile run (a full marathon).
I can’t even imagine the kind of endurance needed for one of these races. I couldn’t walk as far as they run, let alone perform all three events one after another. These athletes know the meaning of endurance, perseverance and discipline, but for Team Hoyt, another and even deeper character trait has been added, LOVE.
You see, Team Hoyt consists of two individuals racing as one, Rick and Dick Hoyt. Rick Hoyt suffered severe brain damage at birth. He is unable to walk, has little to no use of his arms or hands, is unable to speak and has minimal control of his head and neck. Rick is able to communicate however. He has a computer that allows him to click a mouse and spell out his thoughts and wishes. Rick found out there was going to be a race in his community to raise money for a young man who had become paralyzed. He told his dad that he wanted to run in that race. His father, Dick Hoyt, wondered how to make that happen for his son. He decided to run in that race pushing Rick. Rick told his dad following that event, “When we were running, I felt like I was not disabled anymore.” When Dick heard that, he determined to continue running with his son, and run they did. Dick and Rick have run in 85 marathons, and completed eight triathlons together. Rick was born in 1962, making him 44 years old, and his dad is twenty years older than he is!
As I sat and watched the video Darren showed of one of the triathlons, I cried, as did my husband. I am sure there was not a dry eye in the house that morning, as we watched a father’s absolute devotion poured out on to his son. Dick Hoyt, pulled, carried and pushed his son for 140.6 miles simply because he loved him. Hoyt video clip link:
I cried that morning for many reasons. I sat next to my husband, knowing as I watched that he would do the exact same thing for our children; loving him for loving us.
I also understood as I watched that I had finally seen in a visual sense the love that our Father demonstrates to us on a moment-by-moment basis. We are no different from Rick Hoyt in our inability to carry ourselves. We are all disabled by the sin that fills our bodies and overwhelms our lives. And, just as Dick Hoyt saw the freedom that running gave to his son, our Father sees the freedom His Son gives to each one of us. He did not leave us alone. No, instead He gave all of Himself to us, and does so on a daily basis through the sacrifice of Jesus.
If today you are in a circumstance that seems as if it will conquer you, know that your loving Father is not far from you. Our Father swims us through every trial that threatens to engulf us. He carries us as we ride over every bumpy road that attempts to cause us to stumble. He pushes us as we run the race that He has set before us. So no matter the trail you face, nor sin that stumbles, nor pain that hinders, He is right there with you. Remember Dick Hoyt the next time you are in a place of pain, allowing his love to remind you of your Father’s extravagant love.
Your Father knows what you need even before you ask Him. Matt. 6:8
Your Father knows what you need even before you ask Him. Matt. 6:8